
G. Cornelis (Kees) van Kooten, PhD (Oregon State) -
Professor and Canada Research Chair; Research Interests: Economics of
Natural Resources, Forest & Agricultural Economics, Economics of
Climate Change; Website: vkooten.net

Daniel Rondeau, PhD (Cornell) - Associate Professor;
Research Interests: Environmental, Natural Resource, and Public Economics
Graduate Students

Peter Bell, BSc (UVic), MSc (UBC): Research Interests:
Agriculture, Finance, Academic-Industrial Collaborations

Changhao (Nancy) Guo, BA (Central
University of Finance and Economics);Research Interests: Finance,
Agricultural Economics
Craig Johnston, BA (Queen's), MA (UVic); Research Interests:Forest Economics, Energy Economics, and
Climate Change Policy Modelling

Baojing Sun, BA (Gansu Agricultural University), MA
(Northwest A&F University); Research Interests: Agricultural Economics,
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics

Linda Wong, BA (UBC), MA (UVic); Research Interests:
Environmental and resource economics

Zhen (Zach) Xu, BA and MA (Beijing Forestry University);
Research Interests: Forest Management and Economics, Natural Resource
Management and Climate Change

Fan Zhang, BA (Dongbei University
of Finance and Economics), BA (Western University), MA (UBC); Research
Interests: Agricultural Insurance
Research Associates & Assistants
Linda Voss, BA (UVic) - REPA Administrative Officer and Research
Adjunct Researchers

Kurt Niquidet, PhD (U of Groningen) -
Research Economist with Canadian Forest Service, based at Pacific Forestry
Centre; Research Interests: Forest Economics and Economic Geography

Brant Abbott, BA (SFU), MA (UVic) - Graduate student at UBC

Tim Bogle,PhD (UUVic);
Research Interests: Forest Economics and Policy, Natural Resource Modeling

Ryan Prescott, BSc (UVic), MA (UBC); Research Interests:
Alternative Energy and Resource Economics

Alison Eagle, PhD (Wageningen UR)
- Research Associate, Institute for Land Use Innovation at University of
Alberta; Research Interests: Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource
Management, Waste Management, Soil Fertility

V. Susanna Laaksonen-Craig, PhD (Berkeley) - Economist for
BC Ministry of Forests and Range: Research Interests: Forest Economics

Amy Sopinka, PhD (UVic) - Post Doctoral
Research Associate at the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions; Research
Interests: Natural Resource Management, Wind Energy Economics

Brad Stennes, PhD (UBC) - Forest Economist with Canadian
Forest Service, based at Pacific Forestry Centre; Research Interests: B.C.
Forest Sector Trade, Economics of Carbon Uptake in Forests

Tracy (Wates)
Stobbe, PhD (UVic) - Assistant Professor, School of Business, Trinity Westerm University; Research Interests: Agricultural,
Resource and Environmental Economics; Dissertation Curriculum Vitae

Lili Sun, PhD (UVic) - Forest Economist with Canadian Forest
Service, based at Pacific Forestry Centre; Research Interests: Non-market
Valuation, Climate Change, Forest Economics Dissertation

Sen Wang, PhD (UBC) - Forest Economist with Canadian Forest
Service, based at Pacific Forestry Centre, Seconded to Privy Council
Office, Ottawa; Research Interests: Canada's Competitiveness in
International Forest Products Market, Forest Economics and Policy

Patrick Withey, PhD (UVic) - Assistant Professor, Department
of Economics, St. Francis Xavier University; Research Interests:
Agricultural, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
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