Vitae: Dr. Roy D. Hyndman
Roy Hyndman is an Emeritus Research Scientist at the Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, and Adj. Professor at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria. He came to the Pacific Geoscience Centre at its inception after 10 years on the faculty of Dalhousie University. He is a former Director of the Centre.
He has published over 250 scientific journal and volume articles on a wide range of marine and land geoscience research. His scientific articles have been cited more than 14,000 times, with a Hirchel H Index of 64 (64 of this articles have been cited at least 64 times). He has been involved in numerous international collaborative programs land and sea, and has participated and organized research cruises in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans, including four legs of ODP/DSDP, one as co-chief scientist.
Advisory committees include: Ocean Networks Canada Council, chairman of the Advisory Board of Earthscope-SAFOD (San Andreas Fault Drilling); chairman Canadian LITHOPROBE Scientific Committee, member of several ODP Committees. including: chairman Downhole Meas. Committee; chairman ODP/OD21 Seismogenic Zone Drilling (SEIZE) committee for riser drilling; NSF review committee of ODP; Canadian National Committee for IODP), member Academy of Sciences committee, Royal Society of Canada, member of several NSERC Grant Selection Committees, incl. Collaborative Research Initiatives (large NSERC grants); Canadian Council of Academies, Committee Review on Canadian Ocean Science Research Priorities. He has been a member of review committees for several university departments. He has been an Associate Editor of J. Geophys. Res. and several other scientific journals.
He has supervised some 20 PhD and MSc graduate students and 5 postdoctorate research fellows.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, an Honorary member of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and a recipient of the Canadian Geophysical Union J. Tuzo Wilson medal for contributions to geophysics in Canada, and the Geological Association of Canada Logan medal for contributions to geoscience in Canada. He is former President of the Canadian Geophysical Union. |