In progress
-Angela Schlesinger, PhD in progress, Geophysical studies of marine gas hydrate of eastern Canada
Recently Completed
-Hippchen, Sabine, PhD 2011, Geodynamics, tectonics, and earthquakes of Canadian west coast
-Stoian, Iulia, MSc 2008, Geophysical studies of marine gas hydrate
-Bustin, Amanda, PhD 2007, Earthquakes, geodynamics, tectonics of The Queen Charlotte region
-Leonard, Lucinda, PhD 2007, Earthquakes, geodynamics, tectonics of the northern Canadian Cordillera
-Marie Vidalie, Diploma ENS France 2007, Studies of deep seafloor gas plumes
-Chen, Marc-Andre, MSc 2006, Seismic studies of natural gas hydrate off western Canada
-Currie, Claire, PhD 2004, Geophysical studies of subduction zones
-Flück, Paul, PhD 2002, Current tectonics of the northern Canadian Cordillera
-Riedel, Michael, PhD 2001, 3-D Seismic investigations of N. Cascadia marine gas hydrates
-Henton, Joeseph, PhD 2000, GPS studies of crustal deformation in the northern Cascadia subduction zone (with Dragert and Spence)
-Yuan, Tianson, MSc, 1999, Structure beneath Queen Charlotte Sound from seismic refraction and gravity interpretations (with Spence)
-Flück, Paul, MSc (Diploma ETH) 1996, 3‑D Dislocation model for great earthquakes of the Cascadia subduction zone
-Desmons, Bernard, MSc 1996, Integrated study of gas hydrates in marine sediments using geophysical and geochemical data
-Oleskevich, Daniel, MSc 1996, Thermal constraints on great thrust earthquake rupture zones
Marquis, Guy, PhD 1995, Geophysical studies of fluids in the lower crust
-Haacke, Ross, 2005-2008, Seismic studies of marine gas hydrate
-Leonard, Lucinda, 2006-2009, geodynamics and earthquake studies in western Canada
-Willoughby, Eleanor, 2003‑2006, Seafloor natural gas hydrate studies
-Ramachandran, Kumar, 2003‑2005, Earthquake and geodynamic studies in western Canada
-Ristau, John, 2004‑2005. Earthquake studies in western Canada
-Currie, Claire, 2004. Geophysical studies of subduction zones
-Riedel, Michael, 2002‑2004. Marine seismic studies of deep sea gas hydrates and seafloor structure of western Canada
-Mazzotti, Stephane, 2000‑2002. Geodynamics of western Canada
-Nedimovic, Mladen, 2001‑2002. Multichannel studies of structure of the N. Cascadia margin