Golf Tasks and Activities


Most of the tasks and activities in this golf unit will be done in partners, we hope having partners will help in integrating the ADD and foreign exchange students successfully and safely.  We will make sure that none of these students will partner with each other.


Putting Drills

Overall Cues for Putting:

Factors that Effect Putting:

1) Putting without the ball:

   Goal:              Learn the proper putting swing, and develop a comfortable grip  

   Conditions:    Students will mimic the teacher on how to set up for a putt, the grip (students can discover for themselves what grip is comfortable for them) and the body movement

   Cues:             Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent

                          Balanced front-back and side to side weight

                          Pendulum stroke


2) Putt with eyes closed:

   Goal:          Hit a series of 10 foot puts with eyes closed

   Practice:    Try putting the ball different distances aiming for a student selected target, to get the feel for making contact with the ball.  Then progress to trying to putt with eyes closed.

   Cues:         Make sure stance is correct

                      Concentrate on hitting the putt solidly with an accelerating motion on the forward stroke

                      Can vary distance and difficulty of putt


3) Five in a line Game:

    Goal:               Make five putts in a row of varying distances, developing an understanding of putting proper distances       

    Cues:                Balanced, square blade, comfortable grip, quiet body, nose over ball, smooth even stroke                

    Conditions:     Lay a ball two feet from the hole, and lay down four more in a straight line at two-foot intervals.  Put the ball nearest the hole, then the second and so on.  If you miss any putt start over.  Try to make all in a row

    Progression:   Once you have made all in a row, you can make the putts longer and start over, or make putts shorter if having difficulties


4) Listen but don't Look:

    Goal:             Hit a series of putts from inside 10 feet, using good putting alignment

    Conditions:   Keep head down until you hear the ball hit the bottom of the cup

    Cues:            Eyes over the ball

                          Hit the ball square with putter

                          To make putts in the way, your alignment and feel for distance must be accurate


5) Golf 21 (Can play this game with chipping as well)

    Goal:             Putt the ball to as close to the hole as possible

    Conditions:   Partners or groups of 3 play this game, one group per hole.  Players take putts from a certain distance from opposite sides of the hole

    Scoring: (first to 21 wins)

        - 1 point for closest to hole

        - 2 points for a lip out

        - 3 points for making a putt

6) 9 hole contest

    Goal:            Develop proper etiquette on the putting green, and use as little strokes as possible

    Conditions:    Can make contest individual or Team oriented

    Scoring:         Scored just like regular golf


7) Building a Mini Golf Course

    Goal:              Practice putting, developing more knowledge on golf rules and scoring

    Conditions:    Provide students with various equipment to create a course.  Students will be in small groups and each group will be responsible for building a hole in the gym.  Students will have to decide what par they will give the hole, this will help build on their knowledge of golf rules.  Student will then play each others holes, prizes for most original and best use of equipment on the holes


Chipping Drills

Overall Cues for Chipping

8) Set-up and Swing Drill

     Goal:            Learn the proper chipping swing

     Conditions:  Students will mimic the teacher on how to set up for a chip, the grip and the body movement

     Cues:            Grip down on the club

                           Stand closer to the ball on a chip shot then a normal shot

                           Pendulum Stroke


9) Landing within an Area Drill

    Goal:              Students will have to learn how to judge distance, and how big of a swing to use

    Conditions:    Two clubs will be laid down parallel to each other a 4 ft apart perpendicular to the chipper.  The students will partner up and take turns trying to land the chip between the two golf clubs.  The students can provide feedback to each other

    Cues:                Open stance, weight on front foot, hands to target, quiet body

    Progression:  The clubs can be moved different distances apart and farther away or closer to the chipper to make the drill more difficult or simpler


10) Chipping into a large bucket

    Goal:              Develop loft on the chip shot, and judge distance properly

    Conditions:    Students in partner will take turns trying to land a golf ball into a large bucket

    Cues:             Students will have to put more loft on the ball to get it in the bucket

                           Move ball back in stance to get more loft

                           Open stance 

    Progression:  The bucket can be moved to different distances for different degrees of difficulty

                           Different sizes of buckets can be used


11) Chipping with different clubs (Trajectories)

    Goal:              Using proper chipping skills with different clubs     

    Conditions:    Students will try chipping with different clubs to discover the different trajectories the ball flies depending on the club.  Students will discover what clubs to use depending on the lie they are hitting from and the lie of the green that they are hitting too 

    Cues:              A more lofted club is better for hitting to a downhill lie as the ball will roll less

                            A less lofted club is better for hitting to an uphill lie


12) Target Chipping

    Goal:            Chip ball as close to target as possible

    Conditions:  A target game where rings will be set up around a center target, students will chip from a certain distance and try to land the ball as close to the center as possible.  Students can do this game by themselves or as a group contest type of game

    Scoring:       Points will be awarded depending on what ring the ball lands in.  Point value of the rings increases the closer the ball is to the center


13) Closest to Hole contest (can play this game for sand play (task #17) and long iron play (task #20))

    Goal:            Chip the ball as close to hole as possible

    Conditions:   The contest can be a no pressure, everyone gets a shot type of game, with everyone just trying their best to get the ball as close as possible

                          The contest can become more competitive with a knockout tournament style closest to the hole contest.  Students will be in a tournament bracket and will go head to head, closest chip moves on and the other person will face someone else that wasn't closest and so on until there is an overall winner

                          Can have contests of different lengths of chips


14) Building a Chipping course

    Goal:              Practice chipping, developing more knowledge on golf rules and scoring

    Conditions:    Provide students with various equipment to create a course.  Students will be in small groups and each group will be responsible for building a hole on the field.  Students will have to decide what par they will give the hole, this will help build on their knowledge of golf rules.  Student will then play each others holes, prizes for most original and best use of equipment on the holes


Sand Play Drills

Overall Cues for Sand play:


15) Set-up and Swing Drill

     Goal:            Learn the proper sand swing

     Conditions:  Students will mimic the teacher on how to set up for a sand shot, the grip and the body movement

     Cues:            Establish firm footing in sand

                           Open stance

                           Splash sand from bunker with a swing path traveling parallel to the body's aim  


16) Target Sand play

    Goal:            Hit ball to as close to hole as possible from the sand

    Practice:       Try hitting different shots from the sand from different lies and distances

    Cues:            For buried shot play the ball further back in stance

                          Accelerate well into impact

                          Sink feet deeper into sand for buried shot

    Conditions and Scoring:    Same premise as task #12, target chipping


17) Closest to Target contest


Long Iron Drills

18) Set-up and Swing Drill

     Goal:            Learn the proper long iron swing

     Conditions:  Students will mimic the teacher on how to set up for an iron shot, the grip and the body movement

     Cues:            Swing Easy

                           Fix eyes on spot where ball would be

                           Smooth Consistent swing


19) Accuracy

    Goal:            Hit the ball straight with an iron, develop understanding of the distance each iron club hits

    Conditions:  Students in partners will take turns hitting iron shots trying to hit the ball within a target lane.  Student will provide each other with feedback on the swing, and teacher will circulate

    Cues:            Swing easy, hit hard  

                          Keep head down and eyes fixed on ball during swing

                          Develop smooth consistent swing    


20) Closest to hole


Driver Drills

21) Set-up and Swing Drill

     Goal:            Learn the proper Driver swing without the ball

     Conditions:  Students will mimic the teacher on how to set up for an driver shot, the grip and the body movement

     Cues:            Swing Easy

                           Fix eyes on the tee

                           Clip the top of the tee with the club head


22) Accuracy

    Goal:            Hit the ball straight with a driver off of a tee

    Conditions:  Students in partners will take turns hitting driver shots trying to hit the ball within a target lane.  Student will provide each other with feedback on the swing, and teacher will circulate

    Cues:            Swing easy, hit hard  

                          Keep head down and eyes fixed on ball during swing

                          Develop smooth consistent swing           


23) Long Drive  and Accuracy for points

    Goal:            Drive the ball straight and Accurate

    Conditions:   Student will drive the ball as far as they can, and as accurate as they can.  Students can keep track of the score themselves, or this can be turned into a tournament much like the one in task #13 (Closest to hole contest)

    Scoring:        Points will be awarded for distance and points will be taken away for how far away the ball is from the straight center target line 


24) Soccer Golf (Could use Frisbees and play Frisbee golf)

    Goal:               Practice golf etiquette without the use of golf clubs, balls, and a golf course

    Conditions:    Teacher will set up a course on the field, and students will play golf using a soccer ball and kicking it around the course.  Student will play each hole in groups of 3-4 with a shot-gun start.

    Cues:              Use proper golf etiquette

                            Learn the proper scoring for golf

                            Course management


25) Reality Golf (Taken from Tim Hopper's web page and Griffen et. al.)

Goal:            Play holes of reality golf trying to get as low a score as possible

Conditions:  As we go through the unit, the teacher can have the students play holes of reality golf that use only what parts of golf have been learned at that point (for example a whole of about 50 yards, that uses just chipping and putting).  By the end of the unit the student will be able to play a full length course of reality golf


26) Pitch and Putt Golf Tournament

    Goal:            Get the lowest score possible on a 9 hole pitch and putt course

    Conditions: Students will golf in a foursome, using a scramble format where the students will choose whose ball to play on each shot (usually the best shot by the foursome) although each member of the foursome must have an equal number of their shots used as the best ball.

