
The Reciprocal Teaching Style - C

Name _______________                                                                                                  Style A  B  C  D  E
Class  _______________                                                                                                  Task Sheet #______
Date   _______________

Bowling for Curling

To the doer: Perform each skill below 3 times (except for stance). Ask observer if you have any questions.
To the observer: Compare the doer’s performance with the criteria listed below. Place a check in the space provided when the doer accomplishes the specific criteria. Offer positive feedback to the doer first, and then use corrective feedback after skill has been performed 3 times.

Rotate roles after each skill has been performed 3 times.


The Self-Check Teaching Style - D

Name _______________                                                                                                      Style A  B  C  D  E
Class  _______________                                                                                                      Task Sheet #______
Date   _______________

Bowling for Curling

To the student: Practice each skill 3 times (except for stance). Pay particular attention to the cues for each skill and check off on how you performed

The Inclusion Teaching Style - E

Name _______________                                                                                                      Style A  B  C  D  E
Class  _______________                                                                                                      Task Sheet #______
Date   _______________

Bowling for Curling

To the student:
1. Select a level and circle the number you expect to do.
2. Practice the task and place an X over the number actually performed.
3. Compare your executionwith the criteria.
4. Decide whether to repeat at the same level or extend to a different level.

Bowling Shot Criteria:
1. Staggered stance with non-push off foot’s heel in line with push off foot’s toes.
2. Bend knees slightly.
3. In the backswing, allow non-push off foot to swing back while the throwing arm moves back in the wind-up phase (pendulum swing).
4. Non-throwing arm extended outwards to the side.
5. Note the weight transfer when initiating backswing (all weight on push off foot).
6. When throwing, the throwing arm is in full extension and non-push off foot moves from behind push off foot in a forward lunge.
7. Maintain form and arm extension throughout follow-through.
8. Push off foot and throwing arm should be in line with shot path.

The Task: Choose a distance (A,B, or C) and a target area (large or small). Take 5 throws and record number of times you hit the target area.

Distances and Target Areas: A (5 meters), B (10 meters), C (15 meters).


The Guided Discovery-F

Sample Questions:

Question:What is the object of this game?
Anticipated Response: To get the rock as close to the button (on ice) or closest to target (in gym)

Question: What is the best way to get the rock onto the house?
Anticipated Response:  by keeping your eyes focused on the shot path, executing a smooth delivery(staggered stance, weight transfer, arm extension)

Question: What is the best position to be in when you're aiming for one of your opponents rocks?
Anticipated Response:  In full forward extension, the hack leg, throwing arm, and rock should follow the shot path or imaginary line to efficiently place the rock at the target.

Question: How do you hold the rock?
Anticipated Response: Index and middle finger used only.  Knuckles rest on the stone.  Thumb overlaps handle to form a "V" shape.

Question: What was the most effective way to get yourself down to the other end of the gym?
Anticipated Response: lateral movements, knees bent and hands up, pushing off with your outside foot

Question: What is the best way to focus on the target?
Anticipated Response: Eyes focusing on target during the whole phase of delivery.
