of students should always be high in priority for teachers. It is the teacher’s
job to make sure that students are aware of safety rules, both in the gym
and on the ice. It is virtually impossible to stop injury and accidents
from happening but the following are some preventative measures a teacher
must take and be aware of.
a proper
proper clothing
and footwear (loose clothing, socks)
no gum to
prevent choking hazard
safe equipment
(not broken, no jagged edges)
must stay aware of games beside them (never run through a game in play)
boards are not to be stood on and should not be left lying around
gym floor
must be clean and free of dust to avoid groin injuries
should know emergency procedures (class evacuation and meeting place, location
of nearest phone and first aid kit)
rink safety:
all gym
rules also apply to a rink situation
no student
should attempt to leave the rink without teacher supervision
use your
grip foot to step onto the ice, never your slider foot
always step
off the ice with your sliding foot first
always hold
your broom with two hands except during the delivery
always have
your broom with you on the ice as it provides stability
watch for
stray rocks (make a call to warm others)
never try
to stop a moving rock with your hands or feet, use your broom
never attempt
to run or hop on the ice, one should always slide
if you can’t
keep up with a moving rock while sweeping, stop
never attempt
to pick up a curling rock
If you are
ever feeling sick to the point where your balance is impaired or you feel
weak, stay off of the ice.