The purpose behind these curling
warm-ups is to maximize participation within facility constraints; be interesting
and motivational; quick to organize; and blends components of fitness.
The students heart rate and body temperature will gradually increase getting
them ready for activity.
will number themselves 1 to 3 and then gather into their specific group
Group one
will move to a grid, group two will move to a grid, and so on....
There will
be three separate grids of 10 students each.
must stay within grid during play.
One student
will begin the game by being designated as "it."
This student
will run within the grid and try to tag another student, if this occurs,
that student then joins the initial "tagger" to play against the others.
will be able to become neutral (not allowed to be tagged), if they assume
a curling delivery stance. This will help stretch the legs and groin.
Those who
use the neutral option can only for up to 5 seconds, then they must continue
to run and elude the taggers.
In the stance,
students must remain balanced and stable, because if they fall over or
use a hand for balance then its fair game, the tagger can proceed to tag
that student.
Once there
is one student left untouched, they become the winner.
with a different initial tagger.

Ease into
curling delivery stance, to avoid muscle strain.
Use of push
off from stance to quickly elude tagger.
In the stance,
stay low and be wide to aid stability.
When entering
the stance, use a staggered stance and transfer weight gradually to lead
2. Bowling into Feet
1 bean bag between two people
wide open gym area
number off into either one's or
all pairs need a wide open space
in the gym
pairs stand 5 meters apart with
ankles together, toes pointing outwards
to throw the bean bag into your
partners feet using the correct curling delivery (stance, back swing, and
forward glide)
Teaching Cues:
Stance: staggered stance, weight
is evenly distributed on right and left feet
Backswing: hand that holds rock
is extended out straight, weight transfer onto hack foot, slide foot moves
forward slide: eyes looking straight
ahead, weight shifted to slide leg, hack leg extends
1) once you get the bean bag
into the feet 2 times, take five steps back
2) throw the bean bag with
your eyes closed
3. Underarm Bean Bag
students pair up and number themselves
1 and 2 (1's get bean bag and 2's find open space).
to toss the bean bag to one another
when the teacher yells "toss."
students must catch the bean bag
with two hands, lower onto one knee, and then proceed to toss the bean
bag underarm.
as the students initiate the toss
from one knee, they will have to push off with back leg and lunge forward,
resembling the curling delivery.
after a few successful completion's,
the students may choose to increase distance between them.
Teaching Cues:
gradually lower the body onto
knee, there is no time limit.
push off with your back leg to
produce enough distance for toss.
utilize a wind-up for underarm
lunge forward to complete force
production, and recognize weight transfer from push off foot to lunging
15 pylons
15 bean bags, 15 tennis balls
students pair off and number themselves
1 and 2 (1's get pylon and find space and 2's get one bean and one tennis
students throw towards a wall,
therefore they begin near center of gym.
one student begins with a bean
bag and throws it towards the pylon which has been set up approximately
10 feet away.
alternate student throws.
if the bean bag has been thrown
within one foot of target (both students), then the pylon is moved further
away to 20 feet and so on.
once they have reached 30 feet
successfully with the bean bag, then they can use the tennis ball.
the roll and weight difference
between the tennis ball and bean bag will make the students adjust their
force generation.
Teaching Cues:
Curling Delivery: slide
foot moves back, weight transfer to hack foot, forward slide, weight transfers
to slide leg, hack leg extends, eyes are always forward.
of the Court
30 hockey
sticks or broom handles
32 pylons
56 total
objects (plastic hockey pucks, bean bags, tennis balls)
twelve teams
of two and two teams of three
seven ten
x ten grid squares
two players
for each five by five half of grid square
four pucks
per grid, two pucks, bean bags or tennis balls on either side
using a
sweeping motion and the butt end of the hockey stick try and get all four
pucks on to your opponents side without hitting them out of the grid.
if all four
pucks are in your opponent's part of the grid you score a point
a round
lasts two minutes then teams rotate in a clockwise direction
motion must be controlled to keep the puck in play
knees should
be slightly bent and your back should be straight to avoid injury
aim away
from your opponents in order to gain time, and a chance at another shot
Movements and Bean Bag Toss
15 bean
large gym
Moving in
clockwise direction around the outside of the gym
Find a partner,
number yourselves as number one or two
move around
the gym doing lateral movements on both sides beside your partner
the teacher claps, students get into the curling stance
when the
teacher claps again the students returns to the previous movement
backward, skipping, and hopping can be added in for variety
each pair
gets one bean bag
moving in
clockwise direction, students move laterally passing the bean bag back
and forth
start off one step apart
once they
have successfully completed 10 passes, they move to 2 steps apart
if the bean
bag falls to the ground, each student has to get into the curling stance
and then continue with game
Side to
side movements rather than crossing over
off with your right foot if you want to go to your left and pushing off
with your left foot if you want to right
hands out
in front of you, ready to catch bean bag
7. Sweeping Swedish
30 hockey sticks
8 bean bags
six lines of five students
students spaced at about two feet
the students will go back and
forth across the gym twice
to move your entire team across
the gym and back
each team will start with one
bean bag at the back of the line
in order to move you must sweep
the bean bag forward to the person in front of you
once you finish your sweep you
run to the front of the line and stop two feet in front of the first person
the first team back in round one
will start 5 seconds behind everyone in round two
Teaching Cues:
slightly bent knees
butt end of stick on center of
bean bag during sweep
the sweep should be a light and
controlled push
your teammate ahead of you should
not have to turn around to accept the bean bag
8. Curling Dog (Modified
British Bulldog)
full basketball court
10 pylons to mark end safety zones
two students start in the center
of the court
28 other students start in safety
students in the center yell "Curl"
the others must then run across
the gym without getting tagged
if their tagged they become part
of the center team
in order not to get tagged when
out of safe zones students my duck into the curling delivery stance
the game is over when all but
five students are in the middle
a progression of lateral movement
may be added in half way through the warm-up
Teaching Cues:
run to open space
when going into safety position
bend knee and take weight onto front left foot (right handed thrower)
be careful running into safety
zones, watch out for others
9. Relays
6 hockey sticks
yellow cones or orange pylons
in groups of 6 (30 students in
race from line to line and back,
then tag the next student
one hockey stick per group
10 pylons set up for each
To practice the basic motion of
sweeping while having fun
Teaching Cues:
Lateral Movements: keep
weight on inside foot (closest to rock), push off with outside foot, knees
Knee Tagging: in pairs facing
each other, move to the line and back while tagging opposite knees (this
movement represents the arm motion of sweeping)
Sweeping Around Pylons:
sweeping in and out of pylons with the butt end of a hockey stick
10. Curl Ship
8 pylons
4 safety zone signs (thrower,
sweeper one, sweeper two, skip)
two students start in the middle
rest of students start in throwers
safety zone
half way through teacher calls
out a safety zone and students must run to that area without being tagged
if tagged a student becomes part
of the rock team
in order to avoid a tag a student
may crouch into a curl delivery position
a progression to lateral movement
may be made half way through warm-up
Teaching Cues:
11. Card Game:
deck of cards
10 hockey sticks
place cards face down in the middle
of gym
set five stations up around the
each student selects a card,
the number indicates the amount
of task
Aces, Hearts, Spades, Clubs, Diamonds
indicates the station:
movements from cone to cone
with hockey sticks around cones
review curling skills (sweeping,
stance, delivery: backswing and forward slide)

Teaching Cues:
Lateral Movements: keep
weight on inside foot, knees bent, fluent sweeping motion with elbows bent
at 90 degrees
Curling Delivery: slide
foot moves back, weight transfer to hack foot, forward slide, weight transfers
to slide leg, hack leg extends, eyes are always forward
Curling Stance: feet staggered,
weight distribution is equally distributed between right and left feet.
12. Knee tag & Curling
class will stand off the ice (on
the carpeted area along the sheet of ice).
number class into five groups.
jog on the spot.
lateral movements from one side
of the building to the other (in groups of five).
knee tag with a partner, try to
tag partner's opposite knee to get the feeling for the proper sweeping
lunges (from one side to the other,
in same groups of five).
jog on spot, high knees (everyone).
Teaching Cues:
Lateral movements: keep weight
on inside foot, knees bent, fluent tagging motion with elbows bent at 90
degrees and arm motion at 60 degrees.
Lunges: think about curling positioning.
Eyes straight ahead, hack leg extended, throwing arm extended forward,
weight shifts from hack leg to slide leg.
13. Getting the Feel
for the Ice
curling shoes (slide and grip)
or clean indoor running shoes and a plastic slide that slips onto the running
8 students on each ice
students will number themselves
1 to 8
students will leave 10 seconds
apart so they don’t run into each other
students wait for everyone to
get to the end before starting the next one
lateral movements down the ice
(four times).
sweep slide down the ice (four
times), switch sides each time.
5 deliveries, no rock on the ice.
Teaching Cues:
Lateral movements: keep
weight on inside foot, knees bent, fluid sweeping motion with elbows bent
at 90 degrees and broom at 60 degrees.
Curling Delivery: slide
foot moves back, weight transfer to hack foot, forward slide, weight transfers
to slide leg, hack leg extends, eyes are always forward.
14. Curling to a Target
slide and grip shoes
12 rocks placed for targets
30 playing rocks (one for everyone)
separate students into six groups
of five students (six sheets of ice).
place rocks down the ice at five,
ten, and fifteen meters.
each group gets one rock to shoot
with while three students sweep and the other uses a criteria sheet or
task card to advise the thrower about proper technique.
each group member gets one delivery
each and then start from top
to work on placement of the rock
to progress to hitting the farthest
target rock with consistent accuracy.
in order to move up, you must
be within 1 meter of the target rock (two times).
you want everyone in your group
to get as far as they can (aiming for third rock).
Teaching Cues:
Curling Delivery: slide
foot moves back, weight transfer to hack foot, forward slide, weight transfers
to slide leg, hack leg extends, eyes are always forward.