1 on 1 Rebound Game
Game/Task Outline

Tactical Problem:  The student will be aware of the required movements needed after a shot is taken
Skill development:  TSWBAT shoot the ball accurately
                                 TSWBAT shoot the ball with appropriate trajectory

Teaching Points: 
  • students place two mock goals about one meter apart from each other
  • the first student shoots the ball at their partner's feet and then tries to score off the rebound
  • the student gets one rebound attempt to try to score
  • after the one attempt, the first partner jogs back into position and they switch; player one becomes the defender and player two becomes the shooter
  • players keep track of their points
  • remind students that the more accurate their shot is, the better the chance they have for a rebound


Organizational Points:
  • spread the mini-fields out to prevent interference 
  • spread the mini-fields out for safety
  • ask the students to get into partners
  • have them number themselves 1 and 2
  • player 1 get four cones and a ball, player 2 find a space on the field
  • 80 small cones for goals
  • 20 soccer balls
  • the students keep attempting the rebound until they score or kick the ball out of bounds
  • add and offender to turn the game into a 2 on 1 (to ensure success)
  • the 2 offenders can pass to each other after the first rebound is taken
  • start without the rebound option to get students practicing their shot
  • player 1 shoots, runs and touches their partner and then runs back (rather than rebounding)
