3 on 3 Soccer Game with Faking
Game/Task Outline

Tactical Problem: Maintaining possession of the ball in a game situations with defenders
Skill development:  TSWBAT try to incorporate the fake into a game situation
                                 TSWBAT pass the ball successfully with defensive pressure

Teaching Points: 
  • move to open space
  • communication- call for the ball
  • triangle passing angles
  • try to lose the opposition (cuts and fakes)
  • try to see space
  • anticipate where the ball is going
  • must make 3 passes before you score
  • 1 point for goal, 1 point for 3 consecutive passes, 1 point for a successful fake (teams keep track of their points)
  • how did you make time for yourself to make a successful pass?



Organizational Points:
  • small fields will be mapped out with little cones, big cones used to make goals
  • space the fields far apart from each other for safety and to prevent confusion
  • goals are ~ 1 m wide
  • pinnies vs non pinnies
  • make sure teams are playing different teams throughout the lessons, don't let the same two teams play each other every time
  • 20 pinnies
  • 40 small cones
  • 30 big cones
  • 10 soccer balls
  • increase the number of passes needed to score
  • limit the number of steps that can be taken with the ball
  • decrease the size of the goal
  • increase the size of the field
  • decrease the number of passes needed to score
  • increase the size of the goal
  • can catch the ball rather than dribble
  • decrease the size of the field
