Endball Game
(Soccer or Beanbag)
Game/Task Outline

Tactical Problem:  Maintaining possession while passing the ball and effectively spacing yourself to support the ball carrier and elude the defender
Skill development:  TSWBAT pass the ball accurately to their team mate
                                 TSWBAT pass and move to appropriate spot
                                 TSWBAT call for the ball

Teaching Points: 
  • move towards the ball
  • spread out
  • communicate- call each others names
  • keep track of your score
  • person who scores switches with the goalie
  • must make 3 consecutive passes to score
  • change of possession when the ball goes out of bounds
  • only 3 steps with the ball
Questions to Students:
  • how do you score?
  • how do you prevent scoring?
  • how do you restart the game?



Organizational Points:
  • field is set up with two end lines (goal areas), cones will mark out of bounds
  • students in teams of 6, 1 student from each team will be the goalie
  • 20 pinnies
  • 10 big cones 
  • 10 soccer balls
  • increase number of passes needed to score
  • increase the size of the field
  • make the goalie stationary
  • use a bean bag or a smaller ball to take the focus off of the skill (until it is better developed)
  • use catching an object rather than kicking
  • make the field bigger

