Shadow Tag
Warm-Up Outline

Tactical Problem:  Trying to get away from the defender by moving to space (opposition) or trying to follow an attacker (defender).
Skill development:  TSWBAT go hard into space by planting and cutting.
                                 TSWBAT elude the defender.

Teaching Points: 
  • keep your head up so you don't run into other players
  • hard cuts to both sides
  • use other people to lose the defender
  • when the whistle blows, try to touch your partner
  • defender keep track of how many times you catch your defender



Organizational Points:
  • get into partners
  • number yourselves #1 and #2
  • #1's are the leaders and #2's are the followers
  • when you hear the whistle, switch so that #2's are the leader and #1's are the followers
  • each whistle is a switch
  • start at a walk
  • move to a jog
  • end in a pretty hard sprint
  • give the leader a ball
  • the leader tries to dribble the ball and stay away from the defender
  • OR give both a ball, the leader still tries to stay away from the defender switching at each whistle
