Tops-Up Tops-Down
Warm-Up Outline

Tactical Problem:  Seeing the entire field and moving to open space to achieve a set goal
Skill development:  TSWBAT keep a scope of the entire field while moving at a decent pace

Teaching Points: 
  • Team one tries to turn all of the cones on their heads while team two tries to flip them all right side up
  • keep your head up so you don't run into other players
  • as you're going to turn one cone over, keep your head up to look for others that need to be turned (look to space)



Organizational Points:
  • get into partners
  • number yourselves #1 and #2
  • #1's are tops-up and #2's are tops-down
  • everyone grab a cone and place them sporadically one the field
  • on the whistle, try to turn as many in your direction as you can
  • start at a walk
  • then move to a jog
  • end in a sprint
  • when the whistle goes, check to see who was most successful
  • 20 pinnies
  • 40 small cones

