How organization was done? How did it work? With hindsight, what could be done better to improve?

Cones were set-up to seperate groups when doing activities

Participants were spread out in the gym at all times except when being instructed by the teacher to utilize space

Formations and Groups
Groups were determined by the teacher and were identified by wearing different coloured pinnies

Groups were alway organized with odd number of particpiants so that the defending team had an advantage


The teacher would blow a whistle when he wanted the students attention, if any student did not stop immediately they would do 10 push-ups

Any student displaying in-appropriate behaviour would take a time out and asked to re-join in a couple of minutes

Organizing Equipement

Equipement was handed out by the teacher and returned to the teacher at the end of class

Students were responsible for putting away the pinnies and cones at the end of class

Organizing Safety

At the sound of a whistle all students must stop immediately

Each student is in charge of their own piece of equipement, this eliminates excess equipement lying around


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