3 vs. 3 Passing Game

Tactical Problem: Using teammates and space to get the ball across opponents end-line/goal line
Skill development: Using available space to advantage, including cutting to open field and calling for the ball

Teaching Points: 


  • Always support the ball carrier
  • Find open field
  • Make cuts with fakes
  • Pass ahead of players on the move 


  • Moving to open space to receive the ball
  • proper instep passes
  • seeing field, game, players (i.e.. head up)
  • Using fakes and cuts to score
  • Passing to moving target
______ = pass


Organizational Points: 
  • Games of 3 on 3 using 1/8 size fields.  Ball is returned into play with a pass.  Progress to adding goals that the ball must be passes through.  To score the ball must be passed into end zone or goal and received by a teammate to receive a point.


  • No goal, use end-line
  • bigger field
  • Make the game 3 on 2, or 3 on 0
  • Use bean bags in place of soccer balls, to get an idea of the movement needed


  • Use goal instead of end-line
  • Make the goal smaller
  • smaller field
  • Allow only passing, no dribbling