Dribbling-Passing-Shooting Drill
Tactical Problem: Maintaining control of the ball while seeing an open player to pass to.  The shooter must make good cuts to the center of the field to receive the ball and have an accurate shot
Skill development: Dribbling the ball while looking up to hit the shooter with an accurate pass to produce a scoring opportunity

Teaching Points: 


  • Pass ahead of the shooter
  • Dribble with head up
  • Shooter must make a cut to net that will set up a food shooting opportunity
  • Shooter must have head up to find the target then have head down on the shot, to keep the ball low 


  • Passing to a moving target
  • Dribbling in control with head up
  • receiving a pass on the move and turning it into a shot
  • Soft touches
  • Shoot with instep or laces not the toe

 _ _ _ _ _ = player running

________ = pass/shot


Organizational Points:
  • Drill will be done at each goal.  Line of players will progress from passer to shooter to goalie (target).  There will be one cone deep in the corner of 18 yard box.  Passer must dribble down the field around the deep cone and hit a shooter with a pass in the middle of the 18 yard box.  The shooter will have run out around a high cone.  The goalie retrieves the ball and goes to the end of the passing line. 


  • Take out the deep cone and have the line start at the bottom of the 18 yard box
  • No goalie, and the shooter will retrieve the ball


  • One time shots
  • Add a chaser, defender on the passer