Open Field Dribbling
Tactical Problem: Keeping ball in control while covering ground at a rapid rate vs. regular dribbling
Skill development: Maximizing speed while traveling with the ball, while staying in control

Teaching Points: 


  • Push the ball ahead of yourself 5-7 feet
  • Only use in open field (no defenders present)
  • Soft touch because feet will have momentum from running


  • Use laces to push ball or instep, not the toe
  • Keeping control
  • Seeing open field available
  • Head up to see teammates
  • Maximizing speed 
Organizational Points: 
  • Same as dribbling through cones except last cone is moved out 50 or 60 feet.  Players are to speed dribble to last cone, trap the ball and speed dribble to back of line, on the left side of the cones.


  • Take out obstacle cones
  • Begin with half speed, progress to full


  • Add defender (passive in the middle) to make sure player has head up
  • Add a chaser
  • Make a relay competition