Possession Box
Tactical Problem: Keeping Possession of the ball
Skill development: Keeping the ball close to ones self and keeping head up to avoid defender

Teaching Points: 


  • Keep head up
  • Dribble away from defenders
  • Use fakes
  • Protect ball


  • Dribbling
  • Using space wisely
  • Faking
  • Changing directions
  • Seeing defenders



Organizational Points: 
  • Free for all in center circle.  When the ball is checked out by another player, that player will retrieve their ball and stand around circle with option to check, with one foot outside the circle.  Once a players ball is checked out she/he can not check anybody in their way out of the circle


  • Increase size of the circle
  • Pick 2 or 3 people to be checkers instead of free for all
  • No helping out once outside the circle


  • Make the circle smaller
  • Allow people who have been checked out to return into the circle and help check, either one by one or as soon as checked out