Zig-Zag Defending

Tactical Problem: Keeping the body in front of the ball carrier, defending an area
Skill development: Getting quick feet, looking at the chest of the ball carrier

Teaching Points: 


  • Keep fair distance from the carrier depending on the speed of the carrier and yourself
  • Look at the chest of the ball carrier
  • Protect inside of the field
  • cut off passing lanes


  • Moving with the carrier
  • Not crossing feet
  • Changing directions with the carrier



Organizational Points: 
  • In partners, one ball carrier and one defender will zig-zag to center from the end-line.  Switch on the way back.  The ball carrier is given 7-10 feet radius to zig-zag.


  • half speed dribbling
  • without ball use the patter for footwork


  • No zig-zag pattern, live within an alley
  • allow stealing and checking of the ball