3-on-3 Alley to Hoop

Tactical Problem: moving to open space, scoring, defending
Skill development: movement, passing, shooting, marking opponents

Teaching Points: 


  • Create space to receive pass, avoid defender
  • Mark opponents to prevent scoring
  • Passing to open player
  • Moving to open space in order to receive the pass
  • Pivot
  • Layups: driving to the hoop
  • Player-on-player defense


Organizational Points: 
  • Groups of three for 3-on-3 alley game around hoop. Modify the playing area using cones to form a grid. If not enough hoops for all to particpate at one of the hoops, other gym spaces may be used. Then these teams not at a hoop can be rotated into games at a hoop so that they can practice the shooting aspect of the game as well.