3 vs 3 End-Ball

Tactical Problem:  Moving the ball quicly and effectively, invading opponents territory in order to score.  Defending team stops forward progression of the ball and attempts to gain possession of the ball.
Skill development:  Passing, Catching, Moving into space, Individual mark ing.

Teaching Points:


  • Supporting ball carrier
  • Create open space by moving off the ball
  • Move the ball quickly
  • Lead team-mate with the pass
  • Present target for team-mate to pass t



Start :  The ball is placed in the center of the grid and both teams race for possession.

Score:  The offensive team scores when they successfully complete a designated number of passes and touch the ball down over their opponents endline.

Prevent Score:  The defensive team prevents scoring by stopping the forward progression of the offensive team and gaining possession of the ball.  Turnovers are caused by a dropped ball, an intercepted pass, or forcing an offensive player out of bounds.


Organizational Points:
  • Grids of about 15 x 15 meters with 2 teams of 3 people per grid 