Reciprocal Task Card for Shooting

Role of the Observer:

                                -To provide positive feedback.  Comments such as "Your feet are shoulder width apart just as
                                  the sheet says.  Well done." and "Your elbow is in line with your knee, now concentrate
                                  on putting your hand in the cookie jar."
                               -Provide technique feedback according to the criteria under "Things to look for."

Things to look for:
                                            -base of support =feet shoulder width apart
                                            -elbow=in line with knee
                                            -eyes on the basket
                                            -follow-through with arm extended and loose wrist
                                -sequence of movement:
                                                                -knees, hips, elbow, wrist
                                -"raw liver" or "hand in the cookie jar" (wrist action)

            #1)Shooting against the wall aiming for basket height ten times then switch.
            #2)Observer acts as basketball hoop using their arms as hoop and the doer tries to sink it, as adapted from
                Dr. Robert Bell.