
    -in grid system, 2 vs. 2
    -score by touching ball down on end line only using passes
    -4 passes before a score will count
        extension:    - in grid system, 4 vs. 4
                            -each player must touch ball before scoring on end line
                            -the ball must be passed within three seconds
                            -the students cannot take any steps upon receiving the ball (travel rule)
                            -the ball must be passed within one second

        organization:    -divide class into four teams
                               -divide the entire available playing space into 2 equal halfs
                               -give two of the teams pinnies
                               -have a hoola hoop at the end of each court against the wall

    -2 vs. 2 with dribbling  in grid
    -2 passes before team can score in hoola hoop
        extension:-two passes before team can score in basket
                           -the first time a player scores he/she will get 3points, the second time he/she scores only two points will be awarded and
                            any more than 3 scores by that same player and the team only gets 1 point
                           -dribbling with right hand only
                           -dribbling with both hands
                           -dribbling with left hand only
                           -no more than five dribbles then must pass

        organization:   -lots of cones or pylons (prefferd)
                              -hools hoops
                              -divide students into groups of four
                              long, narrow grids

3)6 stations
    -groups of 4
    -6 stations corresponding to 6 baskets
    -3 stations with 2 vs. 2 game, scoring on basket
    -3 stations for shooting, always starting in triple threat position
            -the station will have specified areas to shoot from
    -rotate stations every 3 mins.

            organization:    -use the blue badminton lines to designate the playing area under the basket

    -2 vs. 1 in grid with one hoola hoop for scoring
    -always using pistols while moving around grid in defensive position
        teaching points for pistols:    -knees bent
                                                       -forearms out at 10 and 2 o'clock
                                                       -head up, watch your attackers

            extension:    -3 vs.2 game on basket
                               -must pass ball to partner within 2sec.
                               -shooting at the real basketball hoop

          organization:    -hoola hoops
                                -players swich roles after every three shots.  The two defenders will be offenders with one player remaining as
                                    an offender