Chest Pass Drill
Tactical Problem: Passing and Receiving

Skill Development: Chest Pass 

Teaching points:
Stationary Passing:
-pass ball to receiver's chest area
-step into pass
-follow through with arms extended and thumbs facing down and fingers pointed towards target.

Passing to Moving Receiver: 
Receiver-hand as target and call for pass 
             -accelerate to meet ball at cone 
Passer   -square to target 
             -time pass to meet the receiver

Organizational Points: 

-go with 2V2 teammate to half of Euroball area 
-pairs perform consecutive chest passes to each other across grid
-incorporate movement with passing by receiver running to a cone to catch a pass, passer then becomes receiver and runs to an unoccupied cone to receive ball back.
-go back to moving pass drill

-volleyballs or basketballs
-increase or decrease passing distance