Catch After One Bounce

Tactical Problem: Moving into space in order to cut down  the area in which the ball can be bounced

Skill Development:  Catching the ball in a ready, shooting position using a two foot stop

Teaching Points: 


  • Where should the student go after they bounce the ball?
  • Moving into space where most likely  the ball will be bounced



  • Should land on both feet at the same time, i.e. two foot stop, when catching the ball
  • Stay low with knees bent
  • Should catch the ball with shooting hand in front of the ball and other hand on the side of the ball



Organizational Points: 
  • Have square or rectangular grids laid out in the gym, either using cones or lines on the gym floor (15 grids for 30 students)
  • Organize students into pairs with each pair to a grid
  • Each pair has a basketball
  • Ball must be bounced at least head height 
  • Students must catch the ball before it bounces twice, progress to students catching the ball before it bounces twice but with a two foot stop and proper hand position on the ball, finally  progress to adding a point system where the student receives a point if they can have the ball bounce twice before their partner catches it
