No Dribble Modified Game

Tactical Problem: Moving into space to receive a pass and/or to shoot the ball

Skill Development: Passing and Shooting

Teaching Points: 


On the Ball

  • Move into space away from a defender
  • Call for the ball
Off the Ball
  • Stay between the basket and check


  • When receiving a pass, catch the ball in a position ready to shoot
  • Knees bent
  • Shooting foot slightly ahead of the other
  • Shooting hand in front of the ball while other hand is on the side of the ball
  • Power from the legs 
  • Follow through with arm straight and a flicked wrist


Organizational Points:
  • Organize class into 8 teams of 3 or 4 students
  • Two teams at each basket, preferrably use pinnies to decifer teams
  • No dribbling allowed 
  • Teams can score a point by successfully completing 3 passes or by scoring a basket
  • Defenders must stay  arms length away from their check
