6 Station Circuit

Skill Development:  right and left hand lay-ups, free throw shooting, short shot shooting, bounce and chest pass

Teaching Points: 


  • Lay-ups (Right and Left Hand)
              - aim for top corner of box on the 
              - rubber band technique, same knee as 
                shooting hand
  • Chest and Bounce Pass
              - step forward into the pass
              - follow through with wrists, thumbs down
  • Free throw and Short Shot
               - shooting foot slightly in front 
               - knees bent (power from the legs)
               - follow through with flick of the wrist



Organizational Points: 
  • Organize students into 6 groups with one group at each station (need 4 hoops for the lay-ups and shooting stations, need wall space for the chest pass and bounce pass)
  • Students get two minutes at each station.  After two minutes teacher blows whistle to signal rotation (can do clockwise or counter-clockwise)
