Dribble Tag

Tactical Problem:  Keeping Possession of the Ball while avoiding being tagged.
Skill development:  Dribbling a basketball within a designated area with head up.

Teaching Points: 


  • Finding open space to move into
  • Keep a low body position 
  • Knees bent 
  • Feet about shoulder width apart
  • Keep head up
  • Dribble with the pads of fingers, not palm



Organizational Points: 
  •  Have a designated area to play in, i.e. a basketball court or half a court depending on the size of the class
  •  Everyone has a ball and are dribbling around the court
  •  Two or more students are designated as "IT" with the use of pinnies
  •  The players who are "IT" must tag the other students while dribbling around the playing area
  •  If a student is tagged they must hold their ball above their head in a frozen position until another student who is not frozen touches them and they become unfrozen


  • Make the playing area smaller and/or have more students as "IT"


  • Make the playing area larger and/or have only one person as "IT"