Keep Away
Tactical Problem:  Maintaining possession of the ball

Skill Development:  Dribbling for possession and protection

Teaching Points: 


  • Moving into space away from opposition 
  • Pressuring other players


  •  Keep head up
  •  Low body position with knees bent
  • Arm bar to protect ball
  • Low dribble




Organizational Points: 
  • Each student is spread out around the basketball court with a ball
  • The goal is to knock another students' ball out of the playing area while still dribbling and maintaining possession of the ball
  • If the ball is knocked out of bounds the student must retrieve the ball and enter back into play
  • Designate with pinnies a few students to be "IT", depending on class size.  These students will try to knock the other students' ball away.  This just adds extra pressure.
