Defensive Sliding

Tactical Problem: Preventing opponent from scoring

Skill Development: Defensive Sliding

Teaching Points: 


  • Stay between the opponent and the basket 
  • Be able to see the ball and check at the same time


  • Knees bent and feet spread apart to give a low center of gravity (balance and stability)
  • Hands up to block passing or shooting attempts
  • Lead toe points in the direction of movement
  • Bring feet together but do not cross them over


Organizational Points:
  • Students are spread out in front of the instructor
  • Students should not be able to touch anyone else when they spread their arms out to the side
  • The teacher will point in one of four directions; left, right, forward or backward
  • If the direction intended is either left or right, the students must shuffle using the correct body positioning in that direction
  • If the direction given is forward, the students are to jump forward as if grabbing the ball out of the air as in a rebound
  • If the direction given is backward, the students must fall back on the ground as if someone has run into them (i.e. a charge).  Yelling or grunting is optional for this part
