Game/Task:  Pass Beanbag To Open Space

Tactical Problem:  To understand the importance of moving to the open space.
Skill development: To anticipate the speed and force of the pass, timing catch with arrival to open spot.

Game Objective:  To receive pass while arriving at open space.

Teaching Cues:
  • accurately throwing pass using appropriate force and directional control
  • focus on passer when moving to open space
  • push off, knees bent, head up
  • hands in ready position
  • anticipate

Game Rules:
  • cannot run with beanbag
  • only one person running at a time
  • underhand throwing only





Organizational Points:

  • groups of 3
  • players move clockwise around boundary perimeter to open cone while beanbag is passed counterclockwise to player moving into the open cone area
  • 4 cones per area, approx. 20ft by 20ft

  • one person in group becomes passive defender
  • as players improve, defender becomes more active
  • passer can call out name of player to receive pass
  • with defender, decrease play area to increase challenge for passer and receiver

  • decrease play area without defender
  • using larger object such as ball