Game/Task:  Circle Throw Drill

Skill development:  To make accurate throws and catches.

Game Objective:  To make accurate throws and catches within a circular space.

Teaching Cues:  

Backhand Throw-
  • Grip disc, thumb on top
  • Throwing shoulder towards target
  • Plant pivot foot
  • Swing arm while stepping towards target
  • Snap wrist, point towards target
Pancake Catch-
  • Face thrower 
  • Watch disc
  • Clap hand together on top and bottom of disc
  • Pull disc into body
Game Rules:

  •   Cannot pass to the person directly next to you





Organizational Points:

Groupings:  Seperate class into groups of 6 or more players.
  • Each person in the group stand at least 3 m apart to form a large circle.

  • Increase or decrease size of circle according to skill level of players.