Game/Task:  Triangle Offense 3 on 2 Keep-Away

Tactical Problem:  For the offense team to maintain possession of the disc using unbalanced teams.
Skill Development: Receivers learning to read the defense and finding passing lanes.

Game Objective:  For the offense team (2 players) to maintain possession of the disc against defense (3 players).

Teaching Cues:
  • Offense reads the situation to creates open passing lanes in order to receive disc.
  • Defense works together to cover offense and open spaces.
  • Offense should use faking and angular cuts to lose defender.
  • One defender must always mark the thrower.
  • Thrower has 10 sec. to throw disc
  • No double teaming thrower, only one marker within 10m of disc
  • If disc is dropped then restart play at boundary.




Organizational Points:
    Groupings: set up class into groups of 5
  • Three group members put pinnies on, two without
  • When switching teams from offense to defense, one player with pinny will take pinny off and go to other team.
  • Groups can score in end zone after 3 complete passes


  • Start game with ball and progress to frisbee.
  • Start with walking and progress to faster speed.