Game/Task:  Defender Tag

Tactical Problem:  Players must learn how to lose defender by faking and changing pace.
Skill Development: To develop agility and affective movement on the playing field.

Game Objective:  One person is trying to get away from their defender before the signal.  The goal of the defender is to stay within arms reach of the offender at all times.

Teaching Cues:
  • Keep head up to avoid collision with other players
  • Defender must read the movement of opposition by watching the mid-section.
  • Offender varies change of pace and direction to lose defender.
  • Use fakes and arm movement to lose defender.
  • Knees bent, staying low

Game Rules:
  • Can only make contact with your player when the signal is given.
  • Can not use other players as screens from your defender.




Organizational Points:

 Get class into pairs
  • Set boundries if outside and it is a large area.
  • Teacher gives warning and says "stop" after given period of time, then pairs switch roles.
  • Decrease the playing size (forces offensive player to work on changing direction and pace more). 
  • Start with walking pace and progress to quicker pace.
