Game/Task:  Cutting Drill

Tactical Problem:  Learning to make definitive cuts, getting away from the typical banana cuts.
Skill development: Cutting effectively into the open space.
                             Throwing accurately

Game Objectives:  Make angular cut into open space, receive pass.

Teaching Cues:
  • keeping head up, knees bent, wide base when pushing off
  • run towards the thrower
  • point to direction of change, thrower can now release the bean bag
  • pushing off with opposing leg of direction you want to go
  • Cut in new direction, ready to receive bean bag

Game Rules:
  • do not throw bag until receiver has motioned direction
  • player who receives bag goes to opposing line, passing bag up to person second in line.





Organizational Points:

create two lines of three players facing each other about 15 metres apart, one bean bag for 1st player in one line, and 2nd person in other line.

  • adding passive defender, progressing to active if players advanced
  • replace beanbag with disc