Game/Task:  Three on Three Beanbag Keep-away

Tactical Problem: To Create open space and passing lanes, while maintaining possession of the beanbag.
Skill development: Successfull passing and catching of the beanbag.

Game Objective:  To complete successful passes in order to maintain possession of the beanbag.

 Teaching Cues: 

  • Keep head up
  • As the thrower, anticipate where teammates will move
  • cutting  towards thrower, and away from defender
  • hands in ready position

 Game Rules:

  • cannot run with beanbag
  • no physical contact
  • no double teaming
  • must stay within boundaries
  • if you drop beanbag, other team takes possession
  • as passer, can use pivot foot to find open passing lanes
  • underhand passes only




Organizational Points:

  • organize into groups of 3 with different color pinnies
  • play areas of approx. 20ft by 20ft marked with red cones
  • one beanbag per game
  • passing with weaker hand, if teams are really good or imbalanced
  • use larger object such as round ball