Line Game

Tactical Problem: To be able to maintain possession of the ball, to score points and to defend end line.
Skill development: Passing, moving to open space and defense.

Teaching Points:

Move to open space, anticipate the pass, person to person defense and be aware of the open person on offence.  Score points by passing to the teammate on the other side of the end line.


Accurate passes and recieving.  Use of all types of passes (bounce, chest, overhead), hands up as a target, move to the pass.

Anticipate the pass.

Move to the open space - explode off feet, L cuts/V cuts

Person to person defence - wide base, shuffle step, intercept passes.



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Organizational Points: 

Cones are formed into a square.

Students are divided into groups of 3 (4 groups are green, 4 groups are red), 2 groups of 3 in a grid, one basketball.

Each group defends an end line on opposite sides of the grid.  One person from each group stands behind the end line.  If this person recieves the ball from their teammates their team scores a point.

Passing only, no dribbling.


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