Passing Fundamentals

Tactical Problem: To maintain possession of the ball.
Skill development: Passing

Teaching Points:



Proper passing techniques for the chest, bounce and overhead pass.

Chest pass - hands on either side of the ball, start at the chest, extend hands at the same time, follow the ball, step forward with one foot.

Bounce pass - hands on either side of the ball, start at the chest, lead with both thumbs, follow the ball, step forward with one foot, bounce should be 2/3 of the way to the reciever.

Overhead  pass - hands on both sides of the ball, ball slightly behind the head, extend arms at the same time, follow the ball, step forward with one foot.

Recieving the pass - two hands out as a target for passer, absorb pass, step back with one foot.




Organizational Points: 

Students in their group of 3s try different types of passes.

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