4 Cone Passing

Tactical Problem: To maintain possession of the ball.
Skill development: Passing, receiving, moving to an open space.

Teaching Points:

Creating a triangle for passing (provides options), passing past a defender, creating space to receive a pass.


Passing (various types), receiving (target, etc...)

Tricking the defender

Defence on the ball (low stance, arms up, shuffle step and lead with heel to move)

Moving to open space by exploding off the outside foot.


Click here to see diagram

Organizational Points: 

Greens stay in 3s, all reds (except 1 team) find a green team to join.

3 greens stand on cones forming a triangle, red defends on the ball (first passively.  When the ball is passed one of the players must move to recreate the triangle.  The defender follows the ball.

Switch-up defender.


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