3Team Game

Tactical Problem:  To score points on the opposing team and defend the basket.
Skill development: Incorporating all basketball skills into a game situation.

Teaching Points: 


To score points on the opposing team by using lay-ups and set shots and defend the basket by using person to person defence. 


All game skills: shooting, passing, support, moving to open space, rebounding, person to person defence.

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Organizational Points:

Divide the gym into two courts.

Students get into groups of three with people of the same pinnie colour.

Three groups of three go on to each half of the gym. 

Group 1 and 2 are on defence at each end of the court.  Group 3 dribbles from half court to attack group 1's basket.  If they score or when group 1 gets the ball group 3 stays at that end of the court while group 1 goes on offense down to group 2's end of court to attack their basket.  When there's a turn over to group 2, group 2 goes on offense in group 3's side of the court.

Continue on in this pattern.

Set-shot worth 1 point, lay-ups worth 2.

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