BEEF Shooting

Tactical Problem:
Skill development: Shooting fundamentals

Teaching Points: 



balance (feet shoulder width apart, shooting foot slightly in front of the other, knees bent, knees in line with toes)
eyes (eyes on the back of the hoop)
elbow (shooting arm at 90 degrees, elbow in line with knee and toe, hand cocked back)
follow-through (ball rests on the tips of fingers, elbow and legs straighten, ball rolls of the tips of the fingers, hand follows the ball, flaps forward, hands finishes like you are taking a cookie out of a cookie jar.)

Non-shooting hand rests on the side of the ball, only for guidance not power.

Get power from the legs.



Organizational Points:

Each student has a ball.

They spread themselves out around the 3 point line.

Teacher demonstrates each point individually, then the students perform the task.  Combine all skills and have the students perform it all as one fluid motion.


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