Passing Proficiency drill with defender.

Tactical Problem: Passing to a partner while running down the field with oncoming pressure from a defender.
Skill development: Passing, and running with ball, eluding defender with fake or movement.

Teaching Points: 

Tactic : Run forward and successfully pass ball backwards to teammate.

Skill :
-Sweep, reach, catch, pass.
-Swing arms across body
-Step in direction of pass.
-Fake out defender.


-In groups of 2, players are to pass back and forth while running down the field agains oncoming pressure of a defender in in an attempt to get to the end goal. At the end, the players turn around and pass while running back.
-Reach the end while maintaining possesion.

Prevent score:
-Line must start again if defender intercepts ball. 


Organizational Points:

-In groups of 2 passing.
-Use all of the space of the 2 fields.
-Student teacher subs in as defender