Passing in groups, supporting each other. 

Tactical Problem: Keeping possesion of ball and passing to teammates while running down the field.
Skill development: Passing, Catching, Supporting.

Teaching Points: 

Tactic :
-Moving to open space to recieve pass.
-Quick passes to open teammate.
-Pass then support.


Skill :
-Catch, Pass, Run.
-Sprint with ball first then pass to teammate.
-Sweep ball alongside body.

- In groups of 3's, players run down the field passing to an open teammate. After the pass has been made, the player supports his teammate by running and getting open. Groups of three running down the field.

-Get to the end with possesion

Prevent scoring:
- only when the ball is dropped or a forward pass has happened.


Organizational Points:

-9 groups of 3's
-running the length of half the field.
-switch middle passer.