Grid Work drills, passing, moving and keep-away.

Tactical Problem: In a grid of four cones with 3 players, accurate passing and moving to the open while eluding a defender. (playing Keep-away)
Skill development: passing, moving, supporting, eluding.

Teaching Points: 

Tactic :
-make an accurate pass to teammate.
-move to open to support ball handler.
-move away from defender and support teammates.

Skill :
-Catch, pass, move, fake.
-move to create a triangle with the ball handler.
-Move to where the defender isn't.

Grid work: Cones spread out in a square formation with 3 participants passing amongst each other in a keep-away drill where a defender is attempting to intercept the ball. After a player has passes the ball, they should move to get open within the space of the grid.
-Score by completing 5 passes.

Prevent scoring:
-If the defender intercepts the ball, the play is over and switch the defender.


Organizational Points:

-grids of cones interconnecting to minimize number of cones used.
-groups of 4 students.
-one student responsible for picking up cones afterwards for each grid.
-Switch defender with players ever couple of minutes.