Game/Task Outline

Tactical Problem: To throw the ball in with proper technique and accuracy
Skill development: TSWBAT complete a throw-in to a partner (who is jogging up field) who traps it, controls it then passes the ball back to you.


Teaching points:
  • Hold the ball with both hands, ensure that the index fingers and thumbs are as close as possible (almost forming a "W" or "u" shape with fingers on the ball).
  • Bring the ball over the head just behind the ears with your arms loose and elbows bent and flared out.
  • Stand with your feet a little than shoulder-width apart with one foot in front of the other (start at a standstill first, then add 1 step, then 2, and so on).
  • Face your target (where you want the ball to go)
  • a short run may provide more power to the throw
  • Bring your head, neck, shoulders and trunk back, bending at the knees
  • Thrust the ball forward resulting in your entire body going forward.
  • Release the ball as it just goes past the head
  • drag your back foot as you follow through to maintain momentum while keeping your feet on the ground
  • do not twist while throwing the ball (must use both hands equally)
  • when receiving a throw-in you should be running or jogging to get open and head down field towards the opposition's goal.



Organizational Points: 

Drill 1

  • in pairs, line up down the field facing each other spaced about 5m apart 
  • one student throws ball to his partner who will trap ball and pass the ball back
  • repeat for 1 minute and then switch partner doing the throw in.

Drill 2

  • in pairs, have one partner performing the throw-ins and have the other partner be the running receiver.
  • receiver should start 10 meters behind the partner doing the throw in and should run in a line down field calling for the ball to be thrown to him.
  • receiver must trap throw-in and pass back to partner.
  • perform throw-ins for 5 attempts and then switch roles.


Drill 3

  • same as 'Drill 1' but done in groups of three where there are two throwers and one player in between them who will receive the throw-ins, trap the ball, turn and pass to the player on his other side.








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