Game/Task Outline

Tactical Problem: Avoid Partner using effective dribbling skills (on the ball movements).  Stay close to the person with the ball (off the ball movements).
Skill development: TSWBAT lose their partner while maintaining possession of the ball (offensive aspect).  Also, TSWBAT check an opponent closely without losing their check.


Teaching points:

On the ball movements

  • keep control of the ball by balancing your body and being relaxed
  • don’t always move in a straight line, keep your opponent guessing
  • change the your pace from time to time, slow down, speed up etc.
  • use peripheral vision to see your opponents whereabouts

Off the ball movements

  • stay close to your opponent but not too close that they can lose you quickly
  • anticipate what angles he/she is going to use (when approaching boundary lines)
  • watch your opponent hips and not the ball
  • cut off the angles when near boundaries
Organizational Points: 
  • in pairs, give yourselves a number 1 or 2, 2’s go grab a ball and 1’s find an open part of the playing field
  • start off with just walking with the ball and progress to a faster pace
  • try to avoid other players (find space on the open field.
  • switch roles after 2 ½ minutes

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Managerial Routines & Organizational Strategies References