Student Learning
 GPAI:  For Game Form for Basketball

CODER:  __________________ PLAYER: ____________________

CATEGORY - Criteria for Appropriate/Efficient rating:

1. Decision Made  - Criteria:
Player attempts to pass to an open teammate
Player attempts to pass to score when appropriate
2. Motor-skill execution – Criteria:
Reception – Control of pass and ball setup for triple threat
Passing – Ball reaches target
Shooting – Ball shot above the net into target area
3. Support – Criteria:
The player appeared to support the ball carrier by being in or moving to an appropriate position to receive a pass.



 Key: A = Appropriate IA = Inappropriate
 E = Efficient  IE = Inefficient

Game involvement (GI) -  GI = (AD + ID) + (ESE + ISE)  + AAM

Decision-making index (DMI) - DMI  = AD / ID

Skill execution index (SEI) -  SEI  = ESE / ISE

Support index (AI) -  SI = ASM / ISM

Game performance (GP) - GP = [DMI + SEI + SI]/3

Teaching Instruction
This grade 8 basketball unit is meant to provide the students with a skill base and tactical knowledge which was previously partly or completely unknown to them.  Therefore, the majority of weight for marking will not revolve around skill execution.
Affective (Participation) (60%)
•    The teacher will provide a participation mark for each student on each day of the unit.
•    Attendance
•    Taking part and using effort in all activities
Social and Psychomotor (Cooperation and Effort in Skill Execution Mark) (30%)
•    This mark will be compiled by the teacher observing the class during the drills and two-on-two games.  The teacher will grade the students on fundamental skills in shooting, dribbling, passing, and defense and grade on how well the student can apply these skills.  Students who are trying to utilize the ideas presented in class will be the most successful in this section of marking.
Cognitive Evaluation (10%)
•    At the end of the unit, the students will be given a short written unit test on fundamental skills and ideas in basketball.


1)  What does B.E.E.F. shooting stand for?

2)  List three technical points to keep in mind when executing a jump shot. (3 marks).

3)  Which of these passes is not a pass used in basketball?
    a)  chest pass       
    b)  overhead pass
    c)  underhand pass
    d)  bounce pass

4)  When executing a defensive slide, you should cross your feet over to gain speed.
    a)  True            b)  False

5)  When playing defense against a player who has the ball and can still dribble, where should your eyes focus?
    a)  opponent’s eyes
    b)  the basketball
    c)  opponent’s midsection
    d)  opponent’s legs

6)  When executing a control dribble, what are two things the player with the ball can use in order to protect the ball from the opposition? (2 marks).

7)  What is the proper way to come to a stop after executing a speed dribble?

Bonus Question (1 mark):  Name one of the four Canadians currently playing in the National Basketball Association (N.B.A.)