Game/Task: "2 vs 2"

Tactical Problem: Defending space on and off the ball carrier
Skill development: Defensive slides, wing denial stance, close range shooting, passing, dribbling, and moving to space

Teaching Points: 

Tactic: Defense attempts to turnover the ball through the use of the defensive slide and wing denial stance. Offence attempts to maintain possession of the ball through using various passes and dribbling in order to find open space to attempt a properly executed shot.


- defensive slides

- wing denial stance

- properly executed jump shot

- chest, bounce, and overhead passes

- off-the-ball movement to space

- dribbling to space- control and speed



I'll take this check


Organizational Points: 

- games played on one hoop*

- teams must execute at least 1 of the 3 types of passes and 1 of the 2 types of dribbling before taking a shot

- defense must emphasize slides and wing denial while staying arms length away

- defenders cannnot steal or block shots

- alternating possession, even if shot is missed

*if gym has limited hoops available, modify team sizes (i.e.: 3vs 3, or even 4vs. 4). Can also masking tape a square to the wall as a 'mock' hoop.