Game/Task: "2 vs 2"

Tactical Problem: Maintaining possession of the ball in order to score a basket
Skill development: Control and speed dribbling, movement to open space, shooting and passing

Teaching Points: 


  • Maintaining possession of the ball by moving to open space through the use of the speed and control dribble  
  • Having more scoring opportunities through attempts to dribble to open space and move to open space to receive pass


  • Controlled dribbling: Staying low, protecting with guard arm
  • Attmpted accurate shots and passes
  • Quick movement on the ball: Change of direction and dribble speeds


Organizational Points: 

- use on hoop per game*

- players must execute a control and speed dribble before shooting

-defenders must stay an arms length away- no stealing the ball

- alternate possession after each shot, regardless of whether or not it goes in

*if gym has limited hoops available, modify team sizes (i.e.: 3vs 3, or even 4vs. 4). Can also masking tape a square to the wall as a 'mock' hoop.