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bball Student Assessmentbball

Basketball Unit

Participation................50 %
Skill Proficiency..........30 %
Tactical Awareness.....20 %
                                =100 %

Assessment of participation will be as follows:

1-5 Scale Participation

1- Shows little to no enthusiasm, changes into gym strip rarely.
2- Shows little to moderate enthusiasm.
3- Shows moderate enthusiasm and willingness to remain engaged in activities.
4- Shows moderate to high enthusiasm and always engaged in activities.
5- Shows high enthusiasm and demonstrates leadership skills.

Skill Proficiency

To assess the following skills refer to the "1-5 Scale for Skill Proficiency and Tactical Awareness."

On-the-Ball Skills:
    -Shooting 10 %
    -Passing 10 %
    -Dribbling 10%

Off-the-Ball Skills:
    - Move to open space (support the ball) 10%
    - Defending 10%

1-5 Scale for Skill Proficiency and Tactical Awareness

1- Poor execution of skills and tactical awareness.
2- Limited success in execution of skills and tactical awareness.
3- Moderate success in execution of skills and tactical awareness.
4- Consistent success in execution of skills and tactical awareness.
5- Excellent execution of skills and tactical awareness.