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Tactical Problem:  How to use teammates and space to attack opponets end as well as how to defend attack 
Skill development: Evading defender, locating space, passing, receiving, pivotting, communicating

Teaching Points: 

- pass and move to space                                     -use fakes and change of direction to get into open position


-Recieving: both hands, protect the ball
-two foot stops

goal ball
Organizational Points: 
  • In a space, designate two end zones
  • In teams of four, designate a receiver to be in attacking end zone
  • Play a game of 4 on 4
  • No moving with ball (passing only)
  • To score - team must successfully pass bean bag to designated receiver
  • To restart play-scoring team must return to past half way marker before playing defense
  • Team who were scored on now has possession and attacks opponents end zone
  • Rules should be altered to allow for success
Rationale:  In order to be successful, students need to use their teammates. Students without the ball must move to areas where they can receive the bean bag without it being intercepted. This activity or game is a great introduction to the following lesson which involves passing.  This game should demonstrate the necessity for accurate and appropriate passing.

PROGRESSION #1: Change object to basketball and incorporate all three passes

PROGRESSION #2:  Add dribbling and a limited amount of steps